Seven Davis Jr. - Beautiful Friends (inc. mixes from Detroit Swindle + Krystal Klear)
Label: Classic Music Company
Format(s): Vinyl / Digital
Release date: 24 August / 07 September 2015
Sometimes you wait and things fall into place, things like this: an A&R man’s dream.
You can spend hours banging your head, waiting for lightening to strike, trying to find the perfect pairing: it’s there floating around in your head, but the answer is not clear. The record needs a remix, but who would be perfect?
So sometimes you have leave the music for a moment. Give it a life of its own and allow the musical landscape to adapt to it. Luke had been mulling over remixes for Seven David Jr’s ‘Friends EP’ for quite some time. The Krystal Klear mix was perfect, that happened early on, so Classic just needed something to compliment it and round off the remix package.
Detroit Swindle are notorious for being very selective, but armed with a Classic calling card Luke got ready to approach them, but before he could they emailed and asked if they could remix the record. The stars had aligned and it all made sense.
The two remixes complement each other perfectly - and this feels like a complete single coming from the heart… remixed with love.